Tension headaches in Ayurveda


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Tension headaches in Ayurveda

The cause, as the name "tension headache" suggests, is too much tension. Usually, this type of pain occurs when one has a lot of stress in everyday life and worries too much. People affected by this often have a heavy workload and fail to take care of a proper work-live balance. Tension and headaches usually originate in the cervical spine, as vertebral blockages can easily occur here. You can feel for yourself if you have a vertebral blockage if you have a tension headache. This can usually be found in the first or second cervical vertebrae and is noticeable by a great sensitivity to pressure above the lateral processes of these vertebrae. The pain can radiate from here upwards over the back of the head and also forwards to the forehead. Due to the blockage, the entire neck musculature is massively tense.

Much more fundamental, however, and therefore more significant for everyday life, are the mental and spiritual causes of the "stiff neck" and "lumbago". This is a Vata disorder. It can be prevented by following the recommendations below. These should be done at the first sign of neck pain or headache:

Treiben Sie regelmäßig Sport, der Ihrem Typ angemessen ist
Yoga kann Ihnen helfen, Schmerzen zu lindern
Yoga kann Ihnen helfen, Muskeln zu lockern

Sport relieves tension - Yoga

Do sport regularly that is appropriate for your type. Swimming, rowing, yoga and tai chi, for example, are very good for the back muscles. Exercise according to your constitutional type and do not overdo it. Vata types should exercise from six to ten in the morning. Kapha types should use the afternoon from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Pitta people should not exercise in the hot hours of the day, but rather in the morning or evening.

If the Vata Dosha is predominant in you, try to bring yourself to the centre and be an independent personality grounded in yourself. Try to live in harmony with nature and create a pleasant atmosphere at work and at home. Many people with tension in the back, neck or repeated vertebral blockages have a rather mind-oriented way of life. Therefore, one can casually say: "stiff-necked people are not suited to enjoy the wonderful possibilities of life". Therefore, reduce fears and learn to trust yourself! Take walks in nature and open yourself to the wonders of the world.

Yoga can also help you to relax neck pain. It is best to ask your trusted yoga teacher (link Yoga with us). Light, consciously performed physical exercises that relax the muscles and back often help to immediately eliminate mild neck pain caused by mental tension. Even in the office, if you sit a lot, try to stand up again and again and stretch the neck with appropriate light exercises.


Meditation is an effective method of relieving tension and preventing it from arising in the first place. We recommend the Vedic technique "Transcendental Meditation", as it allows us to experience relaxation and calmness in a few minutes. This technique is easy and effortless to perform. This type of meditation helps our brain to experience balance in the different areas. In order to achieve holistic behaviour, we need to balance the mind and heart. The Transcendental Meditation technique can help with this. The effectiveness of Transcendental Meditation for tension, back pain and headaches has already been proven by many scientific studies*.

Eliminate Ama (waste products)

Ama - waste products, which are caused by malnutrition, weak digestion, stress and other factors, are often deposited in the neck first. If the fine channels of microcirculation are blocked here, energy cannot flow and a congestion occurs, which is reflected in headaches or neck pain. This pain tends to feel heavy and dull. Here we recommend our 7-day herbal detox cure, which is ideal for purifying at home. A hot water drinking cure and other purification measures are also available.

Ayurveda Shirodara  - Stirnguss zur Entspannung
Darmgesundheit - ein wesentlicher Faktor für allgemeines Wohlbefinden
Ayurvedische Synchronmassagen - das Richtige zum Loslassen


For neck, back or headaches, gentle massages with matured, warmed sesame oil or herbal oil are very beneficial. You can easily massage yourself by spreading some oil in your palms and then massaging yourself with gentle stroking up and down movements in the area of the neck and shoulder (instructions oil massage) . If you are having a massage, make sure that the masseur also only uses gentle upward and downward strokes and, if possible, does not knead or press the local pain points. The gentle movements tend to lead to a noticeable relaxation, which also lasts longer. Apply a warm and moist compress several times after the massage. To do this, soak a towel halfway in hot water, wring it out and then apply it to the whole area of the neck, keeping it pleasantly warm. Then rub the oil off with the damp side of the towel and dry with the dry side. If the pain is severe, you can also add a few drops of Ayurvedic herbal oil with mint MA634 to the oil to relieve the tension even better.

In the case of chronic headaches that are difficult to treat, a comprehensive treatment or diagnosis is often necessary (have your eyesight checked by an ophthalmologist). Experience has shown that patients with chronic headaches have experienced a significant and lasting improvement or cure of their complaints through an Ayurvedic Pancha Karma cure.


*If you are interested in learning Transcendental Meditation, please write an email to b.diewald@gmx.de or visit https://meditation.at/ried/

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