What are Rasayanas?


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

What are Rasayanas?

Ayurvedic medicine is ancient. Nevertheless, the millennia-old texts contain astonishingly modern ideas. While our "health care system" is almost exclusively focused on the increasingly expensive fight against diseases, in Ayurveda, besides the treatment of the sick, the maintenance and improvement of health in the healthy is an essential topic. The therapy for maintaining health is called "Rasayana", literally "that which keeps the life juices (Rasa) in motion".

Rasayana - keeps the life juices in motion

The word Ayurveda indicates the aim of this medicine: the word root Ayus means life, vitality and also life span. Ayurveda thus aims to achieve maximum lifespan by improving health, vitality and mental freshness. Rasayana therapy is the tool to achieve this goal. Rasayana therapy forms a very large section of the classical texts. Two types of rasayanas are described: Behavioural ('achara rasayana') and dietary supplements of medicinal herbs ('oshadhi rasayanas'). When both are applied together, life comes more and more into unshakable balance and the body tissues are optimally nourished. The classical texts also provide case studies that impressively describe the rejuvenating and vitalising effect of rasayanas. For example, the Charaka Samhita relates that after treatment with a rasayana, Chyavana, who was over 100 years old, was able to bless his young wife, whom the king had married to him, with healthy children.

Aims of Rasayana Therapy

The aim of Rasayana therapy is to maintain alertness, clarity, well-being and vitality until the last day of life on this earth.

"Ojas" for longevity

Rasayanas nourish "ojas", the most subtle tissue fluid. Ayurvedic physiology teaches, just like modern medicine, that juices permeate our body. All organs and body tissues draw their nutrients from this fluid "basic substance". A basic substance that is optimally saturated with nutrients is called "ojas". According to Maharishi Ayurveda, ojas is created when high-quality nutrients are refined by the digestive system and then saturate all body tissues. These body tissues, saturated with vital substances, in turn contribute to the formation of ojas.

Ojas is responsible for vitality, zest for life, immunity, longevity and endurance. Clarity of mind is also directly dependent on the presence of ojas.

In terms of modern medicine, ojas could also express itself in the form of various messenger substances, such as the happiness hormones serotonin and endorphin, the rhythm hormone melatonin, the relaxation hormone progesterone and the energy hormone testosterone.

Behavioural Rasayana (Achara Rasayana)

Behavioural Rasayana refers to a lifestyle that is strongly in tune with the rhythms of nature and a moral orientation to life. This includes simple "grandmotherly wisdom" such as "early to bed and early to rise", sufficient exercise, moderate eating, loving and just treatment of fellow human beings and spiritual orientation of life. Such a lifestyle helps medicinal herbal rasayanas to have an optimal effect.

Medicinal Herbal Rasayanas

These supplements, which often take weeks or months to prepare, have a great tradition and importance in Ayurvedic medicine. In Maharishi Ayurveda too, rasayanas such as the Maharishi Amrit Kalash, Maharishi Chyavan Prash, the Meda Rasayana for clear mind (MA3) and the Amla Rasayana for effective digestive power (MA1) are among the most important formulations. These different rasayanas can be used differently depending on the weakness or desired effect. There are also specific Rasayanas for men (MA631) , women (MA347) , students (MA724) and children (MA674) .

Scientifically confirmed effect of rasayanas

The rasayana with the broadest spectrum of effects is Maharishi Amrit Kalash. In the 1990s, Amrit Kalash was extensively scientifically tested by Prof. Dr. Sharma at Ohio State University.

One of the most astonishing results of the studies on Maharishi Amrit Kalash is its strong effect on oxygen free radicals. These substances are produced in normal metabolism, but must be neutralised immediately by the body because otherwise they lead to tissue damage. Stress, malnutrition, environmental toxins and atmospheric or radioactive radiation lead to a harmful over-formation of free radicals. This can easily lead to diseases such as autoimmune diseases, cancer or other chronic diseases.

All tests showed that Maharishi Amrit Kalash is many times (up to 10,000 times) more effective as a "radical scavenger" than other anti-oxidants such as vitamin C or vitamin E.

Broad spectrum of effects

The classical texts cite countless beneficial effects of rasayanas. Studies have confirmed the following effects in particular: Protection against chemical toxins, positive effects on malignant tumours and cardiovascular diseases, improvement of immunity, fewer allergies and favourable effects on psyche and pain perception.

How long should one take Rasayanas?

Here the classical texts are very clear: just as one should live as permanently as possible in the rhythm of nature and in harmony with the laws of nature, one should take a suitable medicinal herbal Rasayana every day. Maharishi Amrit Kalash and Maharishi Chyavan Prashare particularly suitable for this. Both preparations are tasty, jam-like herbal spice pastes designed for daily use.

Only diabetics should use the sugar-free alternative MA4T instead of the paste of Maharishi Amrit Kalash.

These two rasayanas are recommended for the whole family, from newborns to very old seniors. According to the classical texts, daily intake ensures that enough ojas can be produced in the body to be happy, healthy and vital in the long term!

Learn more about rasayanas in the comprehensive textbook "Ayurveda - Fundamentals and Applications" by Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger and Dr. Ernst Schrott.



Tags: Rasayana