Menopause - a treatable fate


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Menopause - a treatable fate

"What I used to be able to do, I simply can't do now! I don't sleep restfully, find it difficult to fall asleep or sleep through the night, suffer from hot flushes, am often tired during the day and not in a good mood, small stresses already worry me a lot!"

These and other complaints such as weight gain with unchanged diet, anxiety with heart palpitations, reduced self-esteem, loss of libido, rapidly ageing skin or dryness of the skin and mucous membranes make life difficult for many women over the age of 45 (and men a few years later).

Menopause is treatable

In the meantime, the treatment of patients with menopausal symptoms has become one of the main focuses of our practice. A large percentage of women over 45 suffer from disorders that are largely caused by the age-related change in hormone balance. Our therapy of these complaints is so successful because we combine effective measures from naturopathy and conventional medicine. The symptoms of the menopause vary from woman to woman. However, it can be clearly stated that stressful professional and private situations significantly increase these conditions.

Our therapeutic approach 

A therapy for menopausal health disorders can only be effective in the long term if balance is sought in soul, mind and body at the same time.

The starting point of the therapy is an exact diagnosis: deficiencies in hormones, vitamins and trace elements can be revealed by taking a blood sample.

The Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis is the basis for localising functional disorders in the mind-body system. Based on anamnesis, laboratory analysis and functional diagnosis, an integrative therapy plan can then be developed.

The following elements can be included in this treatment:

  • Mild cleansing therapies to eliminate metabolic waste products and possibly also to normalise the weight. These therapies originate from Ayurvedic medicine and can partly be applied at home as well as in our practice;
  • Balancing herbal supplements from Ayurvedic medicine, which have an immediate alleviating effect;
  • Prescription of the most important trace elements and vitamins if deficiencies are discovered in the blood findings;
  • Transcendental meditation and hormone yoga to balance body, mind and soul;
  • Life order with regular meals, exercise sessions and sleep times;
  • Special therapies such as Ayurvedic cleansing cures (Pancha Karma) or bloodletting for certain indications;
  • Use of bioidentical hormones.

Bioidentical hormones - a challenge for many

For many patients, treatment with so-called bioidentical hormones is a great help. Many people first doubt whether they want to accept hormone treatment at all - hormones are bad after all! Or?

Life without hormones is not possible

From birth to death of every human being, hormones are the most important messengers of our body, exchanging information between mind, emotions, organs and body tissues. With the years of life, the amount of hormones in the body decreases and therefore the vitality also decreases. The symptoms of the menopause are very much related to a sudden drop in hormone production in the gonads. In earlier times, if women could survive the menopause, it was often possible for them to live a more tranquil life in old age. Nowadays, people have to work full time until they retire - and often with a hormonal make-up that is no longer sufficient for great physical achievements.

What are bioidentical hormones made of? 

Bioidentical hormones are made from the yam root. They are so called because they are 100% identical to the body's own hormones. The body has therefore known these substances since birth. Used in the right dosage, they cannot cause any side effects. Bioidentical hormones can be used if a blood analysis shows a large hormone deficit and at the same time there are also large deficiency symptoms.

Depending on whether sleep disturbances, hot flushes, dryness, loss of libido, weight gain or loss of performance are in the foreground, the different bioidentical hormones are individually composed. They are introduced into the body in low doses, mainly in the form of special ointments, through the skin and quickly eliminate the worst deficiency symptoms.

Many patients experience how sleep disturbances or hot flushes disappear within days and life becomes worth living again. I am asked again and again whether it is necessary to take these hormones until the end of one's life. Most users learn very quickly how to deal with the hormone ointments in everyday life. In more relaxed life situations, they can reduce the dose of bioidentical hormones or pause the application. If you are free of symptoms, you can also stop using the bioidentical hormones altogether. This means that the duration and intensity of the application of bioidentical hormone therapy depends on the duration and intensity of the subjective complaints. 

We look forward to your feedback!