Ayurveda and menopause

Menopause - problem or new start part 1


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Ayurveda and menopause

Menopause - problem or new start part 1

"What I used to be able to do, I simply can't do now! I don't sleep restfully, find it difficult to fall asleep or sleep through the night, suffer from hot flashes, am often tired during the day and not in a good mood, even small stresses cause me great worry!"

This is how many women between the ages of 40 and 60 who visit our practice describe their complaints. What initially looks like a somewhat more pronounced exhaustion turns out on closer analysis to be a typical consequence of hormonal changes in midlife for women.

Menopause - Problem oder Neustart ins Glück

Fertile phase of life over

These complaints occur at a time when a woman's hormones are undergoing serious changes. From puberty until this time, she has more or less regular hormonal cycles that control fertility and well-being. Clinical studies show that from the age of 35 the hormonal glands of the woman's abdominal organs reduce their activity. Already at this time, the first changes in fertility, performance and psyche begin. At the age of 50 - 60 years the cycle comes to a standstill. This leads to serious changes in the woman's life. For a large proportion of women, the withdrawal of hormones in line with their age is associated with severe complaints.

Complaint pattern in the "pre-change" period

The first hormone that is produced less between the ages of 30 and 40 is progesterone. This "nest hormone" is not only responsible for enabling an embryo to grow in the uterus, it also controls regeneration and nerve strength. If it is only present in the body in lower concentrations, the depth of sleep decreases and many women experience a phase characterized by anxiety and inner restlessness. During this time, the cycle may still be reasonably regular, but still somewhat different than before. Due to the relative dominance of the counterpart hormone estradiol, women often experience severe pre-menstrual symptoms: mood swings, cardiac restlessness to the point of panic attacks, swelling and tension of the breasts, and changes in the rhythm of menstruation, which may be shorter or longer and associated with heavier or lighter bleeding. Every woman experiences this phase differently and with sometimes completely different symptoms.

Complaints during menopause

When, after progesterone, estrogens also subside, bleeding stops completely and menopause (= time after the last menstrual period) occurs. What is initially a relief for many women, because the unpleasant menstruation ceases, soon reveals itself to be a particularly difficult phase of life. Due to the hormonal change, mental and physical changes occur that cause severe discomfort. Here are a few of the most important symptoms:

  • Hot flashes
  • Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep
  • Daytime sleepiness
  • Weight gain
  • Concentration problems
  • Rheumatic complaints
  • Damage to connective tissue (cellulitis)
  • Dry skin
  • Dry mucous membranes (eyes, nose, genital area)
  • Blood pressure fluctuations

Many women make the experience that stress and everyday strain increase these complaints enormously. Our current lifestyle and the obligation to work until an ever-increasing retirement age creates a dilemma between concern for health and professional responsibilities, which can lead to significant health limitations and premature aging.

Is there a solution?

In our practice, we specialize in offering a holistic approach to women with menopausal and menopause symptoms. The essential elements of our therapeutic approach are: Maharishi Ayurveda with phytotherapy, nutrition and detoxification; Orthomolecular Medicine with substitution of vital substances (vitamins, trace elements...); and the therapy with "bio-identical" hormones developed by conventional medicine. It is our concern to support the women who entrust themselves to us in experiencing the serious life changes of menopause as gently and free of symptoms as possible.

Phases of development in the life of a woman

We believe that the arc of human development, from birth to departure from this life, proceeds in different phases, all of which have their meaning - including menopause and menopause. From the perspective of Ayurvedic medicine, menopause signals the beginning of a phase of life that involves two particularly important and noble tasks: the transfer of knowledge to younger generations and self-realization. In order to achieve these lofty goals, it is especially important to be completely healthy and in full possession of one's mental and physical powers. In our counseling and therapy of women in this phase of life, we are fully committed to overcoming the discomforts of menopause with natural means and treatment methods, thus preparing the ground for a fulfilling life in the second half of life.

We look forward to your feedback!

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