Ayurvedic Forms of Treatment - Part 3 Basti


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Ayurvedic Forms of Treatment - Part 3 Basti

The word meaning of "basti" is "bladder". The term is used for therapeutic enemas. These are among the most important and effective therapeutic interventions of Ayurveda. The main treatments of Ayurvedic purification therapy are called "Pancha Karma", "the 5 therapies". Basti or enema, among the 5 therapies, is the one that does the most to balance Vata.

Basti balances Vata

Vata is the principle of movement among the three doshas. Due to stress, living outside the natural biorhythms (night duties, long distance travel...) and the ageing process, Vata accumulates in our mind-body system.

Ayurvedic physiology says that the large intestine is the headquarters of Vata. If you want to treat a disturbance of Vata at its root, the best way to do it is through the colon. The anus and rectum are a natural access point to the large intestine through which remedies can be delivered directly to their site of action.

Central importance of Basti

In modern medicine, this access is only used through the use of suppositories. Ayurveda knows different forms of application of remedies via the rectum.

Different forms of therapeutic enemas

In Pancha Karma therapy, two different forms of enemas are used. On the one hand, so-called "small enemas" (matra basti), which usually have a base of oil and which convey mainly nourishing and strengthening healing information. On the other hand, "large cleansing enemas" (Shodana Basti) are applied. These consist of decoctions of medicinal herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect in the intestines and lead to vigorous bowel emptying. This is generally experienced as extremely relieving and beneficial.

Basti as a taboo subject

Applications via the rectum tend to be a taboo subject in our modern society. Many people also have great respect or even fear of enemas. However, this concern is completely unjustified. Ayurvedic bastis are applied exclusively by highly trained therapists. This procedure is done very gently and with the utmost respect for the intimacy of the patient.

Vata imbalance is the most common disorder that is diagnosed and needs to be treated. Many applications help to balance Vata. These include medicinal herbs like Ashwagandha, Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, moderate exercise, sleep hygiene and regular meals.

Quality characteristics of high-quality Ayurvedic treatments

However, the classical texts say that therapy with enemas is the most effective of all measures to balance Vata. This is why it has a central place in Pancha Karma therapy. An important distinction between superficial Ayurvedic wellness treatments and profound Pancha Karma cures is the use of therapeutic enemas. If these are not applied, the heart of the therapy is missing.

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