Interview Bloodletting with Lydia Gruber

Interview Raktamokshana with Lydia Gruber


Interview Bloodletting with Lydia Gruber

Interview Raktamokshana with Lydia Gruber

What happens with Raktamokshana?

Blood (approx. 100 – 150 ml) is taken from a vein in the crook of your arm. dr Schachinger performs the ayurvedic blood purification with a special needle and technique.

How does it feel to have so much blood drawn from you? Do you feel that?

It has a bit of an odd feel (generally dislikes being pricked with needles), but it's also interesting when the blood pours into the glass and you can see it turning from dark to bright red.

How do you feel immediately afterwards?

Somehow easier.

Do you have to pay attention to anything?

You have to come to the Raktamokshana appointment sober. A week before the blood purifictaion I do a herbal detox.

How often do you do Raktamokshana?

About once a year

What is particularly good for you before or after?

It's very different. After the first Raktamokshana I felt an unusual amount of energy compared to before. Sometimes I'm still a bit tired the same day, but overall things are changing for the better. My skin is getting better and I feel good.

Why do you do Raktamokshana regularly?

To detoxify the body. So that I become more vital. My blood pressure is regulated by Raktamokshana. And the blood is freed from toxins and can flow better again. If I do Raktamokshana regularly, I have sinusitis much less often and I don't get sick as easily.




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