Strengthened into the cold season
Rising infection figures and ever louder admonitions warn us of an autumn in which many people will catch febrile illnesses. These include not only covid, but also influenza and banal colds. Besides the usual hygiene measures, vaccinations are again being propagated by the industry as the only effective measure.
However, many people have lost confidence in these recommendations. It is becoming more and more clear that one's own immune system is the most important factor.
Low mood in the dark season
The shortening days, dark rainy days, fog and cold depress the mood of many people. The lack of light is known to trigger seasonal mood lows and depression. In medicine, this phenomenon is called "Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)".
In Ayurveda, all complaints associated with SAD correspond to an increase in Vata. If Vata is increased by seasonal external stimuli, this can lead to inner restlessness, anxiety, reduced performance and resistance. The extent to which these restrictions have an effect depends on a person's balance, regulatory capacity and stability.
If one is already in a tense situation due to stress and stressful situations, the mind-body system can become unbalanced even by slight changes. It is in such situations that one is particularly susceptible to infections.
Light and air as a "cure"
When the days get shorter, you should definitely use the midday period to get some sunlight and fresh air. Just 10-15 minutes of brisk walking after lunch provides exposure to light and oxygen for our tissues.
If an exercise session at lunchtime is not possible, any other time of day is also good to at least get some fresh air through exercise.
Part of the missing sunlight can be replaced by giving vitamin D in sufficiently high doses. Many studies indicate how effective vitamin D is in preventing infections when taken in sufficient doses. If you are unsure about the dosage of vitamin D, please contact our staff.
Deep relaxation to boost the immune system
In our house soma - Centre for Maharishi Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine - we regularly offer courses to learn Transcendental Meditation. This method of deep relaxation calms Vata and strengthens the immune system. It is very easy to practise this meditation. Just 15 - 20 minutes of meditation time twice a day, during which tiredness and tension dissolve, is enough to keep the mind-body system in balance and significantly reduce susceptibility to infections.
Knowledge about preventive measures
On Tuesday, 11.10.2022, Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger, the head physician of somamed, in his lecture with the topic "Equipped for autumn and winter - the best tips from East and West" will discuss how to optimally prepare for the time of infections from the perspective of Ayurvedic medicine. Various strategies for strengthening the immune system will be explained. Each participant learns about immediately applicable measures and exercises.
I would like to watch the recording of the lecture
Pancha Karma Cure
Our high-quality Pancha Karma cleansing cures in soma are the optimal preparation for every season. Restoration of inner order, removal of old burdens and activation of the self-healing powers are recognised effects of our inpatient and outpatient Pancha Karma cures.
Webinar Winterfit and Herbal Purification
Increase of Vata and accumulation of Ama (waste products) are among the main factors for susceptibility to infections. If a stationary Pancha Karma cure is not possible in terms of time and finances, our webinars with integrated cleansing cures and our Detox packages are the ideal solution. They can be carried out at home at low cost and partly independently of time.
The Winterfit webinar takes place every year in November and enables participants to optimally prepare for the cold season. This webinar is full of valuable knowledge content that makes it easier to deal with the challenges of everyday life. The composition of the herbs in the included cleansing treatment is designed to strengthen the nerves and the immune system.
If the date for the Winterfit webinar does not fit into your schedule, we recommend that you take a herbal detox cure in autumn. This cleansing therapy is available as a webinar and as a simple cure package for self-administration at home.
Infection packages
As an individual measure or as a follow-up cure for one of our cleansing cures, we have put together discounted packages for you with nutritional supplements tailored to the situation. Provide yourself and your family with the valuable nutritional supplements in good time for prevention and use in the case of infections at home.
All information about our infection packages
Nutrition in the Vata season
If you look around in the animal kingdom, you can observe that all free-living animals gain some weight in autumn by selective food intake. This is how animals protect themselves against cold and health-threatening influences in winter.
The natural qualities of Vata are: cold, dry and light. The diet in the Vata season must be aimed at keeping these qualities of Vata in check. Therefore, especially in autumn, we need a diet that balances these qualities and nourishes all body tissues. Therefore, the following qualities of diet are especially important now:
- Warm, cooked food instead of cold raw food.
- Warming spices ( vata churna, ginger, pepper, cumin and cumin seeds...)
- Sufficient high-quality fats and oils in every meal (ghee, butter, linseed oil, hemp oil)
- Satisfying meals with all flavours, preferably sweet, sour and salty. Sweet tastes are found in all cereals, starchy vegetables, sweet fruits and oils.
An autumn with threatening waves of infections is upon us. Maharishi Ayurveda recommends a number of precautionary measures to effectively protect against infections and febrile diseases.
There is no single measure as a magic bullet. Living in harmony with the biorhythms, seasonal nutrition, deep relaxation through Transcendental Meditation and yoga, as well as appropriate dietary supplements are the Ayurvedic answer to the challenges of the time.
Gerda Graf schrieb am 09.10.2022
Vielen herzlichen Dank an das gesamte Team, besonders Herrn Dr. Schachinger, für die vielen sehr nützlichen Infos in den Newslettern.
Allen eine schöne entspannte Herbstzeit, viel Erfolg mit lieben Grüßen aus Pfalzen /Südtirol von Gerda Graf
soma med Team schrieb am 10.10.2022
Liebe Frau Graf,
vielen Dank für die wertschätzenden Worte!
Alles Liebe, Ihr soma-Team