Men's Health Part 2


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Men's Health Part 2

One of the most important principles of Maharishi Ayurveda is the strengthening of health to prevent the development of diseases. In Men's Health Part 1 we talked mainly about prevention and nutrition from a man's perspective. Now read about behavioural measures, exercise and rasayanas (tonics to strengthen masculinity).


In general, male physiology expresses more heat characteristics than female physiology. This leads to men developing an excess of pitta more easily. This can show itself in body heat, tendency to inflammation of the mucous membranes (gastritis, irritable bowel), sensitivity of the liver and skin, tendency to heart disease and high blood pressure. On the psycho-emotional level, excessive ambition, pronounced passion in professional and personal matters or tendency to extremes can easily arise.

To keep Pitta in balance, it is especially important to take rest periods during the Pitta times of the day. Practically speaking, this means that a short lunch break gives the necessary relaxation, just as sleep before midnight is important for regeneration at night and the assimilation of vital substances.



Physical activity for strengthening and relaxation is more important today than ever before. Due to modern means of transport, we move far too little on average. In the last 100 years, the daily walking distance has decreased to one tenth of the normal distance.


Especially when it comes to exercise, one can see the extremes of today's world. A large part of the (male) population moves far too little, the other part goes to the limit when it comes to exercise. From an Ayurvedic point of view, a middle course is recommended: daily exercise without constantly pushing the limits of performance.l of the distance originally covered is reduced.

A suitable measure of this is the observance of nasal breathing during exercise. Nasal breathing guarantees that sports training has a relaxing effect on the mind and body. Mouth breathing during sport, on the other hand, leads to additional stress on the mind and body.

Daily exercise is recommended during the Kapha or Vata time of the day, i.e. in the morning and early evening, but never at lunchtime or late in the evening. This seriously disturbs the balance.



Besides diet and observance of biorhythms, the so-called Rasayana therapy is an important component of prevention. The classical texts recommend using rasayana therapy all the time.

A distinction is made here between "behavioural rasayanas" and the herbal build-up remedies that are to be taken as dietary supplements.

Behavioural rasayanas, which are everyday life-enhancing actions, include a regular lifestyle, practising yoga and (Transcendental) meditation, supporting needy people and treating people, animals and the environment with honesty and respect.

The most important Rasayanas for men that you can take regularly are currently also our "Products of the Month".

MA631 Men's Rasayana

Ayurveda recommends this dietary supplement with 43 different ingredients to men of all ages. It is a holistic rasayana that strengthens the digestive fire Agni and has a restorative effect on the dhatus (tissues). According to Ayurveda, it also clarifies and supports the entire male physiology.


MA924 improves the immune system and the assimilation of nutrients. By reducing Pitta and Kapha, it increases vital force. It contains a variety of high-quality herbal ingredients as well as specially prepared trace elements. Ayurveda establishes a connection between this food supplement and the special nutritional needs of physically and mentally active men.


This remedy is known in English as "Prostate Balance". It contains valuable herbs and restorative minerals such as zinc and calcium in an easily absorbed form. The medicinal herbs it contains are formulated to have a cooling effect on inflamed tissues and a cleansing effect on the urinary tract. MA1595 also contains the bark of the well-known Ayurvedic medicinal plant Kanchanara (Bauhinia or orchid tree), which is said in classical Ayurvedic texts to have a decongestant effect on enlarged glands.

Prosta caps

This remedy is a herbal complex for men. From the age of 40, men often experience a change in their urinary organs (hormonal change). Prosta Caps contain willow herb extract, which has a positive effect on the prostate gland, and saw palmetto extract, which promotes normal urine flow in men.

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