Annual Product 2019 - Ayurvedic Single Herbs



Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Annual Product 2019 - Ayurvedic Single Herbs


The moringa tree has many names, the most common of which are translated as "tree of life", "miracle tree", "green diamond" or "never dying". The Moringa plant does not bear these names for nothing. Moringa grows very quickly and a lot of biomass can be extracted from it, including for use as biofuel. The individual components of the Moringa plant can also be used as a food, healing and restorative agent. Due to the positive charge of the Moringa seeds, a germ reduction in polluted water of up to 99% can be achieved. Especially the leaf powder is unique in its concentration of nutrients and vital substances.

Meaning of Moringa

The Moringa tree is called "Shigru" ("the penetrating one") in Sanskrit. According to ancient Ayurvedic texts, its leaves are anti-inflammatory, pain-reducing and rich in vital substances. This is particularly helpful with a meatless diet, nervous irritability, nausea or constipation.

The leaves and the powder made from them are also suitable for making tea. The taste of the tea is similar to that of nettle tea. It is particularly rich in minerals, secondary plant substances and antioxidants. Moringa tea has an antimicrobial effect, protects against free radicals and is excellent for compensating for or preventing mineral deficiencies. As an isotonic drink, it also prevents muscle cramps, hyperacidity of the tissues and loss of energy.

Moringa as a medicinal plant

Pregnant and breastfeeding women in particular can derive great benefit from taking Moringa oleifera. The powder of the dried leaves promotes milk production, reduces iron and folic acid deficiencies, builds up antioxidants and is a valuable supplier of calcium, β-carotene, zinc and protein.

For the most part, people in the industrialised world have a deficiency of minerals and, due to stress, an increased need for vital substances. This is due to the fact that we consume more refined products such as white flour, household sugar, polished rice, etc.. Furthermore, the soil has been depleted by intensive agriculture. With heavy sweating, circulatory and digestive disorders, vital substances cannot reach the cells. If minerals are only supplied through high-dose mono-preparations, this can reduce the absorption of other minerals under certain circumstances.

Moringa powder, like no other plant in the world, has peak values for all relevant alkaline minerals. These are potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron, as well as zinc and manganese. In contrast, the sodium content is low. Apart from the kidneys, lungs and liver, the intestine is also a central organ for regulating the acid-base balance. Fermentation processes triggered by an unfavourable composition of the intestinal flora can produce large amounts of acids that can be neutralised by the alkaline properties of Moringa. The dietary fibres contained in Moringa powder promote and regulate the development of healthy intestinal bacteria.

The pleasant-tasting Moringa leaf powder enhances all mueslis, smoothies, soups, salads, sauces and vegetable dishes enormously with its high content of vital substances. It combines delicate taste with very high health value like hardly any other plant.

Moringa powder contains in highly concentrated form

  • Vitamins and minerals
  • All essential amino acids
  • Secondary plant substances
  • Important dietary fibres for the intestines

Moringa powder is the richest and most natural vital substance concentrate in the world - a true superfood.

Our organic Maharishi Ayurveda Moringa tablets are made from the pure leaf powder of organically grown Moringa trees. Moringa is valued for its high content of vital substances. These include high-quality proteins (10 different amino acids*) and fats, vitamins A (25 times more than carrots*), B1, B2, B3, C and the minerals calcium (17 times more than milk*), magnesium, potassium (15 times more than bananas*) and iron (20 times more than spinach*). Moringa also contains trace elements and secondary plant compounds such as lutein, zeaxanthin and chlorophyll.

Because of its high nutrient content, nutritionists recommend Moringa as a dietary supplement especially in cases of malnutrition (e.g. cancer, anorexia), vital substance deficiencies, diabetes, high blood pressure and macular degeneration.

Dosage: 2 times 1-2 tablets daily.


*Source: Dr. Hans-Martin Hirt

Excerpts from: Barta, Claus: "Moringa oleifera. The most important plant in human history." Netherlands: The New Light, 2011, Third Edition January 2015

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