Perfect skin in summer


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Perfect skin in summer

The skin as an organ is subject to the control of Pitta - the fire energy. Many skin diseases result from Pitta being overly irritated by internal and external heat, causing the skin to lose its beauty and normal protective function.

Skin and intestine

The skin forms the outer surface of the body, the intestine the inner surface. A well-functioning intestine is crucial for healthy skin. The intestinal function is sustainably improved by regular cleansing cures (herbal purification, webinars, Pancha Karma). With each intestinal cleansing, "rubbish" is removed from the intestine and thus the breeding ground for healthy intestinal flora is improved. The intestinal mucous membranes become denser and stronger. They then allow only fully digested food to pass through into the body. A damaged intestine is occupied by pathogenic intestinal germs, is leaky (English: "leaky gut") and lets undigested food through, which has the effect of toxins in the body. Many of these undigested substances also cause skin diseases, e.g. histamine intolerance or other food intolerances.

Intestinal cleansing removes pro-inflammatory substances and the mucous membranes heal and become dense. With the improvement of the intestinal mucous membranes, healthy intestinal germs can also settle again.

This is where our new product Triphala pro comes in: the active herbal ingredients of Triphala have an anti-inflammatory effect on the intestinal mucosa, and at the same time are an excellent "prebiotic" (nutrient for the intestinal flora). The reproductive intestinal germs contained in Triphala pro can quickly colonise and support a lasting healing process of the intestine. As a result, skin with inflammatory changes can heal quickly.

The skin - a Pitta organ

Drinks and food that irritate the intestines can trigger skin diseases. Especially the tastes hot, sour and salty increase Pitta and can give rise to inflammations even more easily in summer. These are the tastes we typically consume in summer, especially on holiday: hotter spices, more soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, sour vegetables like tomatoes and peppers in abundance, and sour fruits like strawberries, peaches and nectarines. More of these delicacies, combined with direct sunlight and climate change, can easily lead to what is commonly called "sun allergies": Burning, itching and redness on sun-exposed skin areas.

The skin - a Pitta organ

These irritations can be triggered, for example, by drinks and food that contain too much of the flavours hot, sour and salty, i.e. very typical changes in our habits that we often engage in during the summer, especially on holiday: hotter spices, more soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, sour vegetables like tomatoes and peppers in abundance and sour fruits like strawberries, peaches and nectarines. More of these delicacies, combined with direct sunlight and climate change, can easily lead to what is commonly called "sun allergies": Burning, itching and redness on sun-exposed skin areas.

Diet and drinks with more consideration of the tastes sweet, bitter and tart can already prevent the worst. How can this be done?


Due to the external heat, the digestive fire Agni is weakened. On hot days, the appetite is reduced and there is a natural craving for light and cooling foods. The tastes sweet, bitter and tart should be preferred, sour, salty and spicy foods and drinks should be significantly limited. This line can be further emphasised when eating by using the mild spice mixture Pitta Churna. With reduced Agni, it is especially important not to eat too much and to take long, at least 4-hour breaks between meals so that everything can be digested well. Convenient drinks for hot days are cold extracts of elderflower, lemon balm or sage. Homemade lassi made from 1 part fresh organic yoghurt and 4 parts water with cooling spices like cardamom, fennel and coriander with a little Sharkara cane sugar is refreshing to the roots of the hair!


Much is written about the dangers of sunbathing. The spectre of "black skin cancer" as a result of sunburn is strongly emphasised in modern medicine. This is accompanied by the recommendation to apply protective creams with a high sun protection factor even before exposure to the sun.

This approach completely prevents the formation of natural vitamin D, quite apart from the fact that the chemicals contained in sun creams can also have unfavourable side effects in the long term.

The Ayurvedic recommendation is to absolutely expose the whole body to direct sunlight for a short time, starting with 5-10 minutes, and only then protect the skin from sun exposure. This can be achieved either by applying sun cream or by wearing thin long-sleeved clothing.

Before sunbathing it is highly recommended to perform a full body oil massage with Pitta massage oil, after sunbathing the Ayurvedic recommendation is to apply Aloe Vera gel extensively on the skin. This nourishes, cools and protects the skin from damaging influences. This way it can stay young and fresh!

Healthy sleep

Many people sleep much worse in the heat. If you implement the measures mentioned above, this is already a help, because everything that cools promotes good sleep. A very pleasant cooling measure can be taken with aromatherapy. The Ayurvedic Pitta aroma oil has a very pleasant cooling and calming effect. It can be used as a perfume as well as in the fragrance lamp. The cooling essential oils of sandalwood and ylang ylang of the Pitta Aroma Oil have an equally cooling effect on mind and body. The fragrant scents of rose and lavender have an almost equally cooling effect.


Summer heat can make you very tired. The Ayurvedic texts have a solution to this problem: an Ayurvedic herbal blend that gives strength and energy while reducing heat and acidity in the body. The MA323 paste strengthens the muscles and digestive power and has a cooling effect at the same time.

Sun allergy

If you are prone to sun allergies, it is a good idea to take preventive measures in good time. The best way to do this is to follow a diet that balances pitta. According to Ayurveda, the root of allergic complaints lies in the intestines, and in the case of allergic skin reactions, also in the blood tissue. Therefore, preventive intestinal cleansing through Ayurvedic cleansing cures (herbal purification, Pancha Karma) and blood cleansing through suitable medicinal herbs are particularly recommended. A very valuable blood cleansing remedy is the herbal mixture MA926 "Healthy Skin Tablets" 2-3 tablets daily, starting a few days before sun exposure (usually on holiday), in combination with a Pitta-balancing diet, quickly develop good protection against reddened and inflamed skin.

Electrolyte loss

When it is very hot, whether at home or on holiday, the body loses a lot of water through sweating and exhaling body fluid. The physical law of "evaporative cooling" causes the overheated body to cool down by sweating and exhaling water. During this process, many valuable body salts and trace elements are lost.

Therefore, when it is hot, it is not only important to generously replace the lost water, but also to supply sufficient salts. It is these salts that keep the body toned and protect the skin from drying out and ageing prematurely.

Our recommendation to compensate for salt loss, whether through sweating, exhaling, vomiting or diarrhoea, is to use alkaline powder. 1-2 scoops daily in a glass of water after fluid loss of any cause brings the salt balance back into order. In the case of fluid loss in the course of sporting exertion, magnesium cirtate should also be taken (1-3/day) - and cramps can be prevented in the first place. Sufficient magnesium in the body also improves the quality of sleep.

Start in time with our recommendations!

We wish you a pleasant summer and a relaxing holiday!

Kommentare zu diesem Beitrag (1)

  • Maria Gruber schrieb am 09.08.2023

    Vielen Dank für den informativen und hilfreichen Artikel über Sommer und die Pitta zeit.
    Da ich ein Pitta Typ bin, die Haut und auch die Darm Problematik kenne, zur genüge am eigenen Leib erfahren habe, bin ich sehr dankbar für jeden Tipp. Obwohl schon viel erfahren durch Webinare und Behandlung lese ich Ihre Artikel mit besonderem Interesse. Vielen herzlichen Dank dafür. Liebe Grüße Maria Gruber, Braunau

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