Health and well-being in times of crisis


Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger

Health and well-being in times of crisis

The Corona pandemic is changing a lot in our lives. We approach people differently, change our shopping behaviour and experience that both in our professional and private lives things now become different that we recently took for granted and stable. Great flexibility and adaptability are necessary to cope with the new circumstances. Those who are mentally clear are better able to deal with new situations. Many of us are facing huge challenges. Work and assignments stay away or become so much that they are hardly manageable. There are people in every industry who can make a virtue out of necessity. Some people are now overburdened professionally, others can no longer make a living in the conventional way. Health and mental clarity are the most important prerequisites for grasping situations quickly and coping with change. The most important recommendations from Maharishi AyurVeda for stable health and a flexible, creative mind are regular purification and deep relaxation through Transcendental Meditation.

Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden in Zeiten der Krise Regardless of how well and qualitatively we eat, waste products build up in our bodies, which are the breeding ground for ageing and disease. Stress and environmental pollution aggravate this situation. We may be getting older, but we are also getting sicker. We no longer die of untreatable infections at a (relatively) young age, but live to be 80-90 years old on average. The older we get, the more susceptible we become to acute and chronic diseases. Hospitals and old people's homes are constantly overcrowded, more and more people need medical help and care. With an epidemic like the one now sweeping the world, the health systems of most countries are completely overwhelmed. Self-responsibility for health can save from such a fate. Two important healing methods of Maharishi AyurVeda enable effective disease prevention:

  • Purification therapies (Pancha Karma) eliminate Ama (unprocessed things) in a systematic way. They thereby make the body a pleasant and clean abode of the mind.
  • A calm mind has a healing and balancing effect on the body. Transcendental Meditation is the best studied relaxation method with proven positive effects on physical health.

Mind and body are in constant interaction. The ideal path to good health includes both physical purification and Transcendental Meditation.

Why you should do an Ayurvedic cure in your own country.

Ayurvedic purification cures, known as Pancha Karma, are highly sensitive therapeutic interventions. Each cure causes diseases to be run through in reverse before they break out. This often manifests in temporary discomfort during a purification cure. After each cure, the mind-body system is still in an unstable state and needs some time to adjust to new, healthier patterns of behaviour and eating habits. Even if Ayurvedic cures on exotic palm beaches sound very tempting, the transition to the home climate is a shock for the body, and the everyday stress is no less. An Ayurvedic cure in the familiar climate zone prevents such stress. We therefore strongly recommend the following procedure: 2 - 3 times a year a small cleansing cure at home, such as those offered in our webinars. Whenever time and money allow, a 1 - 3 week stationary Pancha Karma cure should be carried out. From our point of view, this should definitely be in one's own climate zone. Due to the Corona pandemic, travelling abroad is currently very difficult anyway. We hope that this restriction will lead to a permanent rethinking when booking Ayurveda cures.

Transcendental Meditation

"There is power in tranquillity." Our mind is calm and unlimited at its deepest core. In our daily hustle and bustle, we forget this. If we don't take care of it ourselves, it is not communicated to us, either by the health authorities or in our education or in the religious context. In the late 1950s, the Indian scholar Maharishi Mahesh Yogi began teaching Transcendental Meditation. His aim was to provide all people, regardless of their religious or political beliefs, with a world-neutral technique that would enable them to experience deep stillness on a daily basis. Since the 1970s, Transcendental Meditation has been intensively researched. Up to 85% fewer visits to the doctor and hospital stays in various categories of illness among meditators is a result that shows that the body is cleansed and strengthened from within. This also gives courage for the time of the pandemic. Transcendental Meditation is very easy to learn and practice. The time required is 15 - 20 minutes twice a day. This method is not only very effective but also extremely pleasant. Learn more about Transcendental Meditation on the website During Lockdown you can learn TM in private lessons. .


Health is balance of bodily functions and well-being at all levels of the mind. Regular purification through classical Ayurvedic Pancha Karma cures and experience of deep stillness through Transcendental Meditation is a path to good health that embraces both poles of life. Experience effective purification several times a year through our webinars and through occasional stationary Ayurvedic cures, which should definitely be done in one's own climate zone. Learn Transcendental Meditation as soon as possible. In this way, your mind finds peace and supports the body optimally in its health.

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