Desire for children from the perspective of Ayurvedic medicine
Some of our patients come to us because they wish to have a child. In Ayurveda, the prerequisite for the optimal implantation and development of a new life is a purified and well nourished body. While in modern medicine usually only the women are treated, in Ayurveda it is essential that the man also makes preparations. In recent years we have been able to accompany many couples on this path in our practice.
Dealing with fertility is an important topic in the classical Ayurvedic texts. We have found that excellent results can be achieved by combining Ayurveda with modern vital substance medicine.
The classical texts state that all body tissues must be well nourished and all body channels cleansed in order to have the best chance for a healthy offspring.
Birth preparation ideally begins 6 months before conception
In order for conception, pregnancy, birth and infancy to proceed smoothly, the old doctors recommend intensive preparation, which should begin 6 months before conception. This should be done by both partners: Man and woman should be prepared in the best possible way for the act of conception and a possible pregnancy through purification and subsequent rasayana therapy.
Since cleansing and building up of the body tissues takes time, it is advisable to start preparation as early as possible.
Beginning the preparation with Pancha Karma
The Ayurvedic cleansing therapies cleanse the body channels. Particularly important are the functions of "Apana Vata", which have their seat in the abdominal organs.
Therapeutic enemas (basti) and colon cleanses (virechana) are the most important applications for purifying and optimising Apana Vata. These treatments are accompanied by soothing massage therapies.
Such a preparation is optimal for men and women in the context of an in-patient Pancha Karma cure. But also applications at home, such as our webinars with cleansing cure, are good methods of preparation for conception and birth.
Rasayana therapy
After purification, men and women are given specific herbal remedies to build up the body tissues and nourish ojas (the finest body tissues for happiness and immunity). Only when these remedies are applied for several months are the endocrine glands optimally supplied with nutrients. Only then, according to Ayurveda, the sperm quality in the man is optimal and the ovaries, uterus and body fluids in the woman who wants to conceive are optimally prepared. When a new being nests there, it finds the very best conditions.
Vital substance examination and hormone check
Despite adequate nutrition, many people suffer from serious vital substance deficiencies. Many foods today contain significantly fewer vitamins and minerals than they did a few decades ago. A second reason for reduced fertility is hormonal imbalances. Hormonal contraception (the pill, etc.) lead to persistent disorders of the ability to conceive in some women even after they have stopped taking it. The third reason for poor fertility is stress. The resulting high levels of stress hormones can disrupt gonadal hormones. A fourth reason for infertility is often a relatively high age. Many couples decide to have their children only after they are successful in their careers and have worked in their learned profession for several years. Stress and age are not good ingredients for a natural pregnancy.
Apart from the particularly important cleansing and purification with the help of Ayurvedic cures, clarification and therapy of vital substance and hormone deficiencies are decisive factors for the realisation of a healthy pregnancy.
We carry out such examinations in our laboratory at any time. If the examination reveals vital substance deficiencies, these can be compensated for after purification through infusions and oral vital substance therapy. Then, on the one hand, conception is easier and, on the other hand, the expectant mother can build up vital substance reserves for herself and her child.
According to Ayurveda, parents-to-be should prepare themselves for a pregnancy for several months to a year by undergoing cleansing and restorative therapies (Rasayana). After such preparation, the classical texts promise pregnancy and birth without complications and a healthy child.
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