

Dr. Wolfgang Schachinger


As with the related European asparagus, the root is used for Shatavari. In the classical texts, shatavari is among the important rasayanas (life- and strength-giving medicinal plants) with special effects for women. The rejuvenating and aphrodisiac effects of this inconspicuous root tuber are emphasized in Ayurvedic literature.

The taste of Shatavari is sweetish and slightly bitter. The effect is described as cooling and thus Pitta-balancing. Shatavari is nourishing and thus also balances Vata. A favorable effect is described on the sexual organs of women, on which it has a strengthening and vitalizing effect. This results in its traditional use for disorders of the female cycle. Shatavari supports a healthy pregnancy and gives strength during breastfeeding. But also with complaints of menopause and menopause, the power tuber is used with success.

Both Ayurveda and modern medicine recognize the connection between sex hormones and mental power. Shatavari is therefore also considered an important remedy for nervousness, lack of concentration and hormonally induced sleep disorders.

Dosage: 2x 1 tablet daily before breakfast and dinner or sleeping with water or some warm milk.

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