Vaccinate - Yes or No? How do you feel when you hear about Corona? This topic has dominated all information media and conversations for exactly one year. And there is no end in...
26.02.21 - Vaccinate - Yes or No? How do you feel when you hear about Corona? This topic has dominated all information media and conversations for exactly one year. And there is no end in...
Covid-19: Why so few recommendations to strengthen the immune system?
The federal government's strategy in the Corona endemic disease focuses almost exclusively on two areas: Protection from infection through various measures such...
Covid-19: Why so few recommendations to strengthen the immune system?
11.12.20 - The federal government's strategy in the Corona endemic disease focuses almost exclusively on two areas: Protection from infection through various measures such...
The Corona pandemic is changing a lot in our lives. We approach people differently, change our shopping behaviour and experience that both in our professional and private lives...
20.11.20 - The Corona pandemic is changing a lot in our lives. We approach people differently, change our shopping behaviour and experience that both in our professional and private lives...
In addition to Ayurvedic recommendations for a strong immune system it is becoming increasingly evident that properly dosed vitamin D reduces susceptibility to covid as...
06.11.20 - In addition to Ayurvedic recommendations for a strong immune system it is becoming increasingly evident that properly dosed vitamin D reduces susceptibility to covid as...
Is your body sufficiently supplied with the most important vital substances? In order to find this out, an extended blood analysis is made from whole blood in our practice....
09.10.20 - Is your body sufficiently supplied with the most important vital substances? In order to find this out, an extended blood analysis is made from whole blood in our practice....
Blood analysis carried out in our practice - vital substance laboratory
Laboratory tests, which are usually ordered by general practitioners and internists, mainly examine the known risk factors for cardiovascular diseases: Blood count, blood...
Blood analysis carried out in our practice - vital substance laboratory
09.10.20 - Laboratory tests, which are usually ordered by general practitioners and internists, mainly examine the known risk factors for cardiovascular diseases: Blood count, blood...
It is often difficult to understand which lab values mean what. We give you an overview in the series "What do my laboratory values mean? Ayurveda and cardiovascular diseases...
24.09.20 - It is often difficult to understand which lab values mean what. We give you an overview in the series "What do my laboratory values mean? Ayurveda and cardiovascular diseases...
Is your body sufficiently supplied with the most important vital substances? In order to find this out, an extended blood analysis is made from whole blood in our practice....
27.08.20 - Is your body sufficiently supplied with the most important vital substances? In order to find this out, an extended blood analysis is made from whole blood in our practice....
Is your body sufficiently supplied with the most important vital substances? In order to find this out, an extended blood analysis is made from whole blood in our practice....
13.08.20 - Is your body sufficiently supplied with the most important vital substances? In order to find this out, an extended blood analysis is made from whole blood in our practice....
While tension headaches are predominantly related to disorders of Vata dosha, migraine is mainly associated with disorders of Pitta. Pitta controls the digestive organs in the...
07.08.20 - While tension headaches are predominantly related to disorders of Vata dosha, migraine is mainly associated with disorders of Pitta. Pitta controls the digestive organs in the...
The corona virus still dominates much of our attention. In contact with patients, it is striking that the corona crisis has left deep traces of fear. This affects all age...
28.05.20 - The corona virus still dominates much of our attention. In contact with patients, it is striking that the corona crisis has left deep traces of fear. This affects all age...
Do you sometimes feel a little puffy or stiff in the morning or evening? Do you notice that your shoes get tight when you sit for longer periods of time? Do you notice that your...
22.05.20 - Do you sometimes feel a little puffy or stiff in the morning or evening? Do you notice that your shoes get tight when you sit for longer periods of time? Do you notice that your...
Finally! Many restrictions have been lifted. Life is slowly returning to normal. A wide variety of experiences during the shutdown have left their mark on people. Emotions range...
08.05.20 - Finally! Many restrictions have been lifted. Life is slowly returning to normal. A wide variety of experiences during the shutdown have left their mark on people. Emotions range...
According to Ayurveda, spring is assigned to Kapha Dosha. This means that the elements of fertility, water and earth, dominate with their qualities in nature. Since we humans...
10.04.20 - According to Ayurveda, spring is assigned to Kapha Dosha. This means that the elements of fertility, water and earth, dominate with their qualities in nature. Since we humans...
Everyone is talking about the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). We do not yet know how dangerous it is and how much it will spread. Precautionary measures seem justified. We don't just...
16.03.20 - Everyone is talking about the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). We do not yet know how dangerous it is and how much it will spread. Precautionary measures seem justified. We don't just...